
Free jailbreak server
Free jailbreak server

  • Complete Orders - An order that has a clear and defined end goal for the Ts, such as an order to go to a location or to freeze.
  • Reasonable Orders - An order that is straightforward, clear, to the point, easy to understand, not meant to confuse or trick, and gives the Prisoners enough time to follow.
  • Special Orders - Any order given to a subset of Prisoners, with an exception of ordering prisoners to drop a weapon or throw utility.
  • AFK Freeze - An order CTs cannot give, orders the Ts to freeze with their hands off their keyboards and mouse.
  • Gunplanting - When a CT gives a T a gun.
  • Baiting - Doing something that a CT would never do if trying to stay alive, such as being unnecessarily close to Prisoners.
  • T Orders - Orders given by a T to intentionally confuse their teammates.
  • Warning shots - 1-99 damage dealt by a CT using any means.
  • Delaying - When a prisoner does not follow an order as fast as they can.
  • Detouring - When a prisoner does not follow a direct path to the location stated in the order.
  • Do not point farm (hotkeying, afking, scripting) while afk or not playing.
  • Do not abuse the !calladmin command by reporting players for fake reasons.
  • This includes retrying, glitching out of the map, etc.
  • No teamkilling in any form (applies to both CT and T).
  • free jailbreak server

    No ghosting (this includes stream sniping).

    free jailbreak server

    This includes hyperscrolling, aimbot, wallhacks etc. No advertising other servers, clans, or websites.Do not have confusing names or names that can't be pronounced, subject to admin discretion (includes invisible & foreign characters).No racist words allowed in steam names or clan tags. Use of the N-word with the hard 'R' is strictly prohibited. Blatant or extreme racism is NOT allowed.No spamming of any kind (voice or chat).

    Free jailbreak server